Belgrave Aged Care - Hallam
Client: Confidential
Size: 9,938m2
Location: Hallam, VIC, AU
Status: Permit Obtained
This project designed by Melbourne Aged Care Architect Thextonsmith consists of a 135-bed aged care facility split over 2 levels with an on-grade carpark, situated in a low-density residential zone.
The site borders Frog Hollows Reserve to the north and west, and Belgrave-Hallam Road to the east. These three significant interfaces required a considered and individual approach, ensuring suitable set-backs and provision of landscaping. In response, the building facades approach the interfaces lightly, at minimal points, and then angle away, allowing ample planting and landscaping at the junctions.
The architectural form is a contrast of light and solid elements, being glazing and brick, with a visually permeable structure to the canopies over the sitting and dining rooms. This creates a visual buffer between the wetlands and the building, ensuring resident privacy and an interesting and unique built form.
If you have a project in the Melbourne region and would like to chat to our Thextonsmith Melbourne Aged Care Architect team, please contact us.